I found this Christmas Star block pattern free at: http://quilting.about.com/od/quiltpatternsprojects/ig/Free-Quilt-Block-Patterns/Christmas-Star-Quilt-Block.htm. I reduced the pattern from 20" to 10". This pattern first appeared in The Oklahoma Farmer Stockman almost ninety years ago.
In these diary entries, the Woodbury family is celebrating Christmas. Three of the siblings have traveled from Washington state so the whole family can be together. Frank is Hattie's beau. They've been dating since June. He asked her to marry him in October, but she's not ready to give him an answer just yet. Betty and Fannie are Frank's sisters. Mary, Howard, Ruth, Ted, Anna, George, and Minerva are Hattie's siblings. Lester is her brother-in-law. Fern, Hen, and Marie Johnson are friends. K.S.A.C. stands for Kansas State Agricultural College - now Kansas State University or K-State. Hattie spend some time on Wednesday talking with her step-mother about her future.
Monday, December 25, 1916 -
"It is after 10:30. Frank took his departure a few minutes ago. He came over to play Santa Claus tonight. His gift had been sent to Lebo and was not lost after all. It is a lovely silver jewel case with an old English 'H' engraved upon the cover. I'm so glad it was nothing to wear in the jewelry line, as I feared it might be when he said it was coming from Williams'. Betty and Fannie sent me a pretty ivory picture frame. I was very well remembered with many small gifts. Mother gave me a pair of silk hose; Mary, an apron; Lester, a towel; Howard, a K.S.A.C. pillow; Ruth, a crocheted basket; Ted, a book; Anna, an ivory pin tray; George, a handkerchief, and I told Papa my new coat was his Christmas gift for me. He felt so bad because he didn't get away to do any Christmas shopping. Fern sent me a beautiful wooden nut bowl.
"Mother felt blue and sick both a good share of the day, and Mary and Lester and the children went to Minerva's. Ruth and I got dinner, straightened up the house, and I did a little decorating, etc. The dinner was quite eatable: roast chicken, potatoes, dressing and gravy, hot biscuits (I made 'em), celery, honey, fig or date cookies, fruit cake, fig layer cake, and cranberry sauce with whipped cream.
"We have been eating candy, apples and cake, singing, and talking. Mother and Ruth have been finishing some Christmas presents.
"Frank liked my picture, said he spent a good share of the day looking at it. And I'm right crazy 'bout the jewel case."
Tuesday, December 26, 1916 -
"Still some more Santa Claus! Howard and Ruth went to town this evening and brought out a whole armful of bundles. Most of them were Mary's and Lester's, but I received a package from Hen - a dear little pink crepe de chine and lace camisole. I am very proud of it because she made it all by hand. Marie Johnson sent Ruth and me each little pink and blue sachet bags to wear in our bosom."
Wednesday, December 27, 1916 -
"Mother and I have been having a very confidential chat, and it is almost eleven. We have to be up early in the morning as Papa is away at Quenemo and the boys have to get started down there early in the morning. But I couldn't overlook this good opportunity of discussing my private affairs with Mother. She feels a great deal as I do - that I have plenty of time and that I ought to go away for a while. She is going to Topeka next week and wants to get me something to do up there. Oh, I hope she can for I certainly want to get away. I think I would be more able to decide whether I care for him or not."
You might also enjoy reading my previous blog post:
I found this 10" Christmas Tree block free on-line at: http://quilting.about.com/od/blockofthemonth/ss/christmas_tree.htm.
In these diary entries, the Woodbury family attends Christmas programs. Christmas is almost here! Mary, Ted, George, Anna, Ruth, and Howard are Hattie's siblings. Helen is her niece. Hattie's beau, Frank, asked her to marry him two months ago, but she has not yet given him an answer.
Friday, December 22, 1916 -
"It's late, so I'll not write much. We have been to the Christmas program at Alpine. As I was not sleepy, I sat down and finished a handkerchief, and it is now after eleven o'clock.
"Mary and Helen and Ted, George, and Anna went with us tonight. The program was very good considering what they had to work upon. The room was uncomfortably hot until I summoned Mr. Herold to open a window. They lengthened the evening's entertainment by numerous violin and guitar duets, which were both tiresome and sadly out of tune. They are going to organize a Literary two weeks from tonight and asked Nellie Main and me to officiate."
Saturday, December 23, 1916 -
"Some more Christmas Tree! We took in the one at the church tonight. Howard, Ruth, and Anna went with us. We did a little last minute shopping and mailing before going up to the church. Of course, everybody and all their children were there, and we girls surely had a task handing out the gifts.
"It has been one mad rush all day, and to make it worse, we have had no water in the pipes. I'll really be glad when it's over.
"Howard came home this morning and doesn't go back until the 8th. Oh! I must turn in!"
Sunday, December 24, 1916 -
"This is Christmas Eve at last. Everything is done or at least as much as it is going to be. I don't feel that I have remembered enough lonely or sick people this year, but I have tried to do my best. It is almost time to say 'Merry Christmas' - after 11:30, but after we came in, I had to bring my things down and arrange them on the table. We are not having a tree, much to my disappointment.
"I gave Frank my little gift - my photo in a silver frame - but it was hard to send him away without the word he wanted. But I didn't feel like I could tonight. He felt bad about it, I know, but he didn't say much for Mother came down about then. Frank was terribly disappointed because his gift for me failed to arrive. But I told him not to worry about it.
I was really pleased to find this Snow Churn block because it combines the ideas of extreme cold as well as buttermaking found in these diary entries. I reduced the 12" block down to 6". http://www.quilterscache.com/S/SnowChurnBlock.html.
In these diary entries, Hattie is busy finishing up Christmas gifts. The weather has turned extremely cold. Mary, Minerva, and Ruth are Hattie's older sisters. Ted is her younger brother, and Jesse is a hired man.
Tuesday, December 19, 1916 -
"Here I am enthroned upon the stool in the bathroom, writing like mad for it's past 10:30. I have been busy as usual, embroidery and sewing lace on a towel and for a wonder am not very sleepy.
"We finished the ironing this morning, and I was busy all afternoon. Mary made some underwear for the dolls we are dressing for the three nieces. I gave a few suggestions, and the afternoon was gone.
"Mother went in this morning to do a little trading and stayed for dinner with Minerva. This afternoon it turned very cold suddenly and coming home, she froze her fingers. Of course, she didn't drive fast at all, and she had on two pairs of tight gloves, which allowed no circulation. She is in quite a bit of pain tonight, but I hope she will be better in the morning.
Oh, it's so cold tonight, I sure pity the poor people who are not well protected. I am certainly thankful for my home and bed!"
Wednesday, December 20, 1916 -
"I am writing this Thursday because someone had carried away my pen and ink, and I sat downstairs working until everyone else had retired. Jesse and Ted could not get the plant started, so I worked by the light of an old coal oil light until it burned almost dry. Then I had to go up. But I was glad of the excuse, for I sure was tired. I was pretty busy all day sewing, embroidering, etc. It was frightfully cold, too. And I didn't sleep very comfortably the night before, as it got so cold there in the sewing room. The French doors are rather airish, and I was sleeping alone. I lay cramped after about three o'clock and actually wished for morning to come."
Thursday, December 21, 1916 -
"Another very cold and very busy day. The plant is frozen, so we are almost doing without lights and water. I am writing downstairs in the living room by a coal oil lamp and will probably go to bed with a candle. Ruth and I crawled in together in the guest room last night and slept very comfy. I have nearly all my gifts finished but intend to sew on doll clothes tomorrow. Mary has made the dresses for the three dolls, and I am to make the underwear on the machine. I have been sewing most all day, except that I took time off about 5 o'clock and made a nice roll of butter. Hope it will last until after Christmas.
"Everyone else has deserted me, so I'll hie me upward."
You might also enjoy reading my previous post:
I found this 8" Kiss block at: http://www.mccallsquilting.com/patterns/details.html?idx=13906.
In these diary entries, Hattie receives her first kiss! Her beau, Frank, asked her to marry him two months ago, but she still hasn't given him an answer yet. Ted and George are Hattie's younger brothers. Les is her brother-in-law, and Jesse is a hired man.
Saturday, December 16, 1916 -
"It is after 11 o'clock, but tomorrow is Sunday and the day of rest so, of course, I had to work late tonight. We are not all privileged like Mother who feels perfectly secure in crocheting on the Sabbath day.
"Mother has spent most of the day in bed with a severe headache, and Papa and Ted and Jesse went with the cattle to Rosemont, so we were rather few about lunch time.
"George went to town with Jesse and Les to do his Christmas shopping and just got home a little while ago."
Sunday, December 17, 1916 -
"It just struck eleven, and that means that Frank has been gone a full hour, but I haven't been able to collect my scattered thoughts enough to undress or write or do anything but think!
"Oh, I know it's terribly selfish of me, and yet I want to feel sure before I give him a definite answer. But tonight he couldn't help it, he kissed me, and although it wasn't much of a kiss - a one-sided one - it was my first experience, and I can't begin to write how I feel.
"It's too near Christmas to tell him now, and, besides, I don't feel so absolutely sure. But I was just now thinking what a terribly innocent thing I am. I didn't get it through my head until a little bit ago why Frank was so anxious to take my ring to Emporia to get it fixed. Fool that I am! I gave it to him and never thought a thing about it."
Monday, December 18, 1916 -
"Another very busy day - one week from tonight it will be all over! - but I like Christmas even if it does mean work. Of course, we are inconveniently far away from the city shops, but I generally manage to scrape a little something up for most everyone even if it is no more than a wish. But I have had so many other things on my mind that it's hard to think of Christmas at all times. I wish Frank could have delayed his message a little, but he seems to think he has waited an unmercifully long time. He has been quite patient for almost two months now.
"We just tear through our work and spend every moment we can at 'Christmasing.' It was a lovely day, and we got the washing out early. I made a little apron and sewed tatting around it. Then I finished another handkerchief this evening, so I feel I have accomplished a little."
You might also enjoy reading my previous blog post:
I found this 8" Eight Hands Around Block in 5,500 Quilt Block Designs by Maggie Malone. A 12" pattern with a slight arrangement of color can also be found online at: http://www.quilterscache.com/E/EightHandsRoundBlock.html. I like the arrangement here that makes two stars.
In these diary entries, the entire family has gathered to celebrate the holidays. Hattie is busy preparing for Christmas, but she is also determined to continue to write every day in her diary! Ruth, Mary, and Minerva are her older sisters.
Wednesday, December 13, 1916 -
Just nine years ago today that Papa lost his eye.
"It has been a very cold day and a wash day at that! But as it was not windy, we got along very nicely. Ruth and Mary went to town this afternoon. I kindly offered to stay and clean up the basement but got more than I bargained for. It was quite a job, and I had to care for the children besides so didn't accomplish much else.
"They brought my proofs but have not ordered the photographs yet. The folks and I don't agree. We may have to compromise.
"My hands are tired tonight, so I haven't worked very much."
Thursday, December 15, 1916 -
"It seems almost wicked to take time to write in here when I am so busy getting ready for Christmas, but I am determined to finish out the year. But I get up quite early and am busy all day long. I can't work very late at night.
"I went to town this afternoon. It was rather cold, but I was well wrapped up. I went to Minerva's a few minutes and stopped at Mrs. Cochran's and helped her plan for the party two weeks from tonight. I think it will be very nice. I went down town and did a little shopping for Mother - some dolls and toys for the children."
Friday, December 16, 1915 -
"Ruth is in bed, but I slipped my diary from under the mattress and am writing here in the bathroom. It is after 10:30, but I wanted to finish the towel end so sat up until I did, although I am tired. I came up after supper and lay down a little while before I started to work.
"This has been a busy day for me - churning, cleaning, etc. so I must retire. It is much warmer, however."
You might also enjoy reading my previous blog entry:
I found the pattern for this 8" Wild Duck block free online at: http://www.quilterscache.com/W/WildDuckBlock.html
In these diary entries, Hattie is busy getting ready for Christmas. All nine Woodbury children along with any spouses and grandchildren are home to spend the holidays together. Frank is Hattie's beau. Ted and Ruth are two of her siblings. Lesta is a friend from Emporia High School days. Jesse is a hired man, and Luke is a horse! The Turkish is the Turkish Candy Store, established in Emporia in 1836 and a local hangout. (Ted later marries the daughter of the owner and works there!) A jitney is a small motor vehicle that transports passengers on a route for a small fare, usually a nickel.
Monday, December 11, 1916 -
"I'm exceedingly tired after our day of shopping. That sure is a task! And it has been rather cold, too. Frank evidently found it very necessary to go to Emporia, too, for he was in the depot when we got there. Frank escorted us uptown then left us until afternoon. I sat for my photo, and we looked at coats before going to the Whitley for lunch. I finally decided on one at Downs and Taylor - a blue velour with a little fur trimming. It is not an expensive coat but is stylish and rather good looking, so I'm quite satisfied.
"Lesta invited us to a hot chocolate at the Turkish. It was nearly four o'clock when we finished, so we went back to Newman's where Frank was patiently waiting, and after a few more hurried purchases we took a jitney for the depot. We reached there in plenty of time and to spare in spite of Mother's worry.
"Papa was going to Quenemo, so Luke was waiting for us. Frank just more than tore around getting us ready to drive home. He left a pound of Turkish candy in my bag, too. He sure is good to me - too good!"
Tuesday, December 12, 1916 -
"I haven't done so very much today but am dreadfully sleepy. I finished my crocheted baskets tonight and am starting on handkerchiefs now. We had more or less housework to do today, and the children take up one's time - of course we have to stop and play with them - so I didn't do much until afternoon.
"Papa and Jesse butchered a beef this afternoon, and Ted killed two wild ducks yesterday, which we had for dinner tonight, and they were fine! Ted sold his furs - 4 skunks and 2 muskrats - for $10.00 tonight and is quite pleased with himself.
"Ruth is bunking with me, so I'll hop in."
You might also enjoy reading my previous blog post:
I found the pattern for this 6" Three by Three quilt block in 5,500 Quilt Block Designs by Maggie Malone. It is also known by Roman Squares and Fence Posts. It was simple to make, and I am ready for simple!
In these diary entries, Hattie is busy crocheting and tatting gifts for Christmas. Ted, Ruth, and George are her siblings , and Lester is her brother-in-law. Rag is a horse!
Thursday, December 7, 1916 -
"Oh dear, it seems as though it's as hard to go to bed as it is to get up. It seems like ages since this morning when I got up and helped with breakfast so that Lester could get off early.
"I have crocheted and tatted almost constantly except for the few hasty minutes we took to do housework. I crochet until my left hand aches, then tat until my right hand aches.
"Papa went to Quenemo on Rag today, so there were not many of us here. Ted just returned from German Club, and Ruth and I sat up and waited for him to bring us some mail, but he didn't even go to the post office."
Friday, December 8, 1916 -
"It seemed rather queer but pleasant today to have only a family of three. Everyone was gone but Mother, Ruth, and I, and we had lunch at 10:30. We hadn't eaten much breakfast and had been cleaning so were hungry. This made a nice, long afternoon to spend with our sewing and crocheting, etc."
Saturday, December 9, 1916 -
"I'm going to bed early tonight. I am too sleepy to crochet. I didn't get up until almost eight, and breakfast and the dishes were all done.
"Ruth and I went to town this afternoon and did a little shopping - towels, handkerchiefs, etc. for Christmas. We also got the mail that George 'forgot' this morning. Papa said we could go to Emporia, so I hope the weather stays pleasant and we can get off Monday."
You might also enjoy reading my previous blog post:

I found the pattern for this Lost and Found block in 5,500 Quilt Block Designs by Maggie Malone. I thought it went perfectly with these diary entries!
Eva and Mary are Hattie's sisters who have come from Washington state for the holidays. George and Lester are her brothers-in-law.
Monday, December 4, 1916 -
"Oh dear, I'm tired tonight and sort of downcast, too. Something has mysteriously happened to my opal and diamond ring that Mother gave me. I left them in the tray last night with my pendant and, being busy all morning, I didn't come up to put them away until afternoon. Then I missed that one. Mother was helping me search and found one of the opals on the floor. That seems to prove that some of the chiledren got it and played with it rather roughly. But they all deny having seen it. Some way I feel as though I will find it.
"It's striking ten, and I was up at 5:30 - must retire!"
Wednesday, December 6, 1916 -
"I have done more crocheting than anything else today. It's getting so near Christmas I have to 'make hay.' (Oh, I didn't mean to rhyme.)
"Mary found my ring this morning, so I have felt a great deal better. It was under a rug right here in the hall. Of course, it had been stepped on, and the other opal was out but nothing broken, and I think a jeweler can fix it.
"It seems a little lonesome tonight. Eva and George and their children left yesterday for Quenemo, and Mary and the children went to Minerva's this evening. Lester will go to Missouri in the morning."
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