At the time of this diary entry, World War I has begun in Europe two years earlier on July 30, 1914, but the United States does not enter the war until April of the next year. I found information on what I believe to be the film Hattie watched with Frank here:
In the July 30 diary entry, Hattie continues to learn how to drive and is both "crumbed" and "enthused!"
Wednesday, July 26, 1916 -
"I am writing this Thursday as it was 11:30, and I was a little tired when we got in. . . It was after 6:30 when Frank arrived. Otis Bedell, Elza McGraw, McKinley Reid, and Ruth Edwards were all in the back seat, but we sure did a little speeding and reached Waverly soon after 7:00. 'The Battle Cry of Peace' certainly is a wonderful film. I don't see where they could get such scenes. But it didn't seem to waver Frank's opinion about 'Preparedness.'
"We took the kids to Lebo first and, after pulling the garage man out of bed to get some gasoline, we came on home."
Sunday, July 30, 1916 -
"It is very hot tonight - the worst heat we have had, I think. But it seems to be several degrees cooler out on my cot than in here.

Monday, July 31, 1916 -
"Ditto for the weather - I'm through discussing that topic. I'd ought to be in bed now as I want to get up early in the morning - I'm going to vote! . .
"I've been thinking today how thoughtless of me it was not to offer Frank anything to eat when we came in last night. Hope he doesn't take it to heart. But I wasn't the least bit hungry and was so enthused about driving the car that I completely forgot that we hadn't any supper. . ."
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