Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Homemaker Quilt Block

     I worried about making this little 6" Homemaker quilt block with its Y seams.  However, I took my time, cut carefully, and followed the directions in The Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt book and had no problems.  The little green check is brushed cotton and has some give to it, which helped when I was pressing.  
     In these diary entries, Orvel is a hired man and Mrs. Hile is a neighbor who helps with housework.  Mother is gone, so Hattie and Mrs. Hile have all of the housework to do.  Hattie refers to the house where the hired men live as the "Country Club."  She reads in the Kansas City Star newspaper that Pancho Villa's body may have been found.  I created a link if you want to read further. 

Monday, April 17, 1916 -
"Busy with a housewife's duties, I have been occupied in mind, at least, all day.  Mrs. Hile was washing, so I had to wash the breakfast dishes, pack lunches, make beds, dust, bake two pies, plan dinner, sweep the porches, and churn all before dinner.  It rained this A.M. after it had been clear at sunrise.  But the sun came out again at noon, so Mrs. Hile starched and hung out the clothes, while I washed the dishes after dinner.  I called at the Country Club then rested and crocheted a while before starting supper.  I have been perusing the Sunday Star since the evening work was finished.  News is out that Villa's body has been found.  This is the third rumor of his death - hope it's true this time.   http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1916-04-17/ed-1/seq-2/

"It's a beautiful moonlit night tonight."

Tuesday, April 18, 1916 -
"Another busy day.  Mrs. Hile was ironing, so I did practically all the other work except dish washing and am a little weary.  I'm not so very sleepy now but probably shall be in the morning.  It has been so windy today, but the clouds have cleared away and the full moon shining with all force.  

"I gave Orvel a big bunch of tulips to take to his sister-in-law.  She is quite ill with the measles.  The tulips are blooming just lovely and the violets - it seems they never were so blue!

"There were some men here wanting to lease land for oil today, but Papa is going a little slow about giving them a lease."

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