I found this New Home block in 5,500 Quilt Block Designs by Maggie Malone and drafted it to 6" finished. It consists of squares and half square triangles so was not difficult to make.
In Part 2 of "the rest of the story," Hattie writes about the home she moves to after her marriage to Frank George in October 1917.
"After our wedding, Frank and I came to this home where I am still living. The George family had built this house to replace the former smaller house which was destroyed by fire. Frank had it all freshly papered and painted and a Delco light plant and pump put in the house, which was very good - but the power was not very strong unless we ran the motor, which charged a set of batteries. We were glad to get the High Live connection years later in 1930 when a small airport was built a mile west of us. I was pleased to have such a nice, new home and new furniture, and we received many lovely wedding gifts for a home we were both proud of.
"We had no trees on this hilltop except the ones planted by Frank the spring of 1917, and we had lots of wind from across the open prairies north. This seemed very different from living on the Woodbury farm, which had many native trees all along the Marais des Cygnes River and in our yard." (My grandmother christened her new home Sunbyrne Farm because of this.)
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